Brisbane City Council has approved the construction of an Energex depot office in Greenslopes after its developers revised the original plan. The amended proposal now involves selective tree removal and substantial vegetation retention.
A number of Greenslopes residents opposed the said Energex depot office development during the submission period in 2018. The main contention was that the development would cut trees that form a natural corridor linking Greenslopes Park and Stephen’s Hill.
The Council received 75 submissions from residents who did not support the construction of the Energex depot office.
Energex, however, made significant changes to the plans, enough to convince the council to approve the development application.
Under the new plans, the “green corridor” between the said road and the adjacent areas on Garden Street which links to the Stephen Mountains will be protected. The green corridor leads to a nearby reserve which is home to a vast list of wildlife species as recorded by a PhD student.

According to DA documents, the developer has been required to retain, protect and maintain the existing trees based on Australian Standard – AS4970 Protection Of Trees On Development Sites, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Development Services.
The approved revised plans will build a new building of up to four storeys, inclusive of car parking levels. The new building will replace the existing single-storey offices fronting Barnsdale Place.