This week, Greenslopes will play host to different events around the suburb, ranging from photography, to a ball, to music, and even bootcamp. Here are some interesting events to keep you busy this week.
Thursday, 14 September | Punk is Not DeadTickets: $95 Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. |

Photography Workshops at Elite Studio will host a session for photographers to explore the ethos and fashion of Punk. Join the model Candy-Anne and hair and makeup artist Rachael for an exciting and colourful evening of punk photography. The slots are limited to only a maximum of six photographers. B.Y.O. camera and lenses that are suitable for portraits.
Friday, 15 September | Heaven and Hell BallTickets: $100 Time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Stones Corner Hotel |

Join the Griffith Dragons RLC as they celebrate their 2017 Universities Rugby League season at the Stones Corner Hotel. The ticket already includes a sit-down dinner, bar tab, and a surprise guest speaker. Wear your most sophisticated dresses and your most elegant black tie. This is a formal ball.
Saturday, 16 September | Tylea Live in GreenslopesTickets: FREE Time: 1:00 p.m. Venue: Sonic Sherpa |

Brisbane’s much-loved singer-songwriter Tylea will be playing live to promote her newest album “The Lake of Sand and Stone”. She will be performing at Sonic Sherpa after her album launch at the Old Museum on Friday, the 15th of September. This is a free event which you must not miss, if you want to hear the return of one of Brisbane’s finest voices in the industry.
Saturday, 16 September | MND Fundraiser BootcampTickets: $20 Time: 9:00 a.m. Venue: Fitness Done Different |

Fitness Done Different will be hosting a bootcamp to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association of Queensland (MND QLD). MND QLD is a non-profit organisation that is committed to supporting people living with the disease in Queensland. Motor neurone disease is a group of diseases where the neurones or nerve cells refuse to work normally that affects the person’s ability to speak, walk, swallow, and even breathe.
All proceeds will go directly to MND QLD. Pre-purchasing of tickets is not required. The personal trainers have prepared a fun, challenging varied workout on the day so come prepared to move your muscles!