8-Storey Commercial and Residential Development Proposed for Greenslopes

An eight-storey multiple-use development could rise on Cleveland Street in Greenslopes should a development application by PI Home Pty Ltd be approved.

The DA proposes the construction of a building with two levels of residential units and six levels of retail spaces. Under the plan, the building would include health care services, a child care centre, community care facility, and educational establishments.

Greenslopes proposed mixed use development
Photo credit: pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au

Also in the list of activities are a place of worship, veterinary services, short-term accommodation, emergency services, theatre, and indoor sports and recreation. There would be a common open space at the rooftop, which should provide a commanding view of Hanlon Park and Norman Creek.

Greenslopes proposed mixed use development
Photo credit: pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au


The developer intends to build the project on a triangular lot at 11 Cleveland Street, where currently, a two-level building and parking exist. The area is bounded by Cleveland Street, Lincoln Street and Logan Road.

Greenslopes proposed mixed use development
Location of the development application. (Photo credit: pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au)

Should the proposed development be approved, residents would have easy access to Hanlon Park, the Southeast Freeway Bikeway, and Buranda Station.

Community Feedback

Some residents are already voicing their concerns around the proposed development. Among the issues raised are potential traffic congestion in the area and the negative visual impact of an eight-storey building in the area.

Concerned individuals feel that developments in the neighbourhood should be limited to three to five storeys only. Some are concerned about flooding risks and setbacks not being enough. Others mention the lack of deep planting under the plan.

The Council is currently reviewing the proposed project designed by John Contoleon Architecture.

Find out more details about the proposal with DA Number A004628795.