Several months after removal began, most of the flammable cladding from Princess Alexandra Hospital’s high-risk areas have already been removed and are set to be replaced.
Removal of flammable cladding on high-risk areas, which included the main entrances and internal atrium, was already completed in December 2017. However, removal of cladding in the rest of the building will have to wait until the end of the year.
In a statement released last year, former Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Cameron Dick had earlier confirmed the presence of defective cladding in the hospital and had said that removing cladding from the building is a priority.

Management of the cladding removal and replacement will take place in three stages and the hospital administration is confident that soon, all the combustible cladding will totally be removed.
Although the total replacement of the cladding will take time, people are assured that the building does not pose an imminent threat to safety.
Currently, the Princess Alexandra Hospital has a modern fire safety system in place with more than 13,000 fire sprinklers and 6,000 fire detectors. Increased fire preparedness at the hospital including additional security patrols has also been in effect at the hospital since the presence of the defective cladding was confirmed in July.
Cladding Fix on Government Buildings
According to Housing and Public Works Minister Mick de Brenni, Queensland is now internationally recognised to have the most sophisticated approach in dealing with combustible cladding.

Since the Grenfell tower fire incident in 2017, the government has launched an investigation on the flammable claddings in Queensland buildings.
The year-long inquiry found about 880 buildings needing further investigation and at least 70 requiring rectification work. The task force is preparing to assess an additional 12,000 privately owned buildings, including around 1,200 residential structures.
Mr de Brenni said that the government is now focusing on making sure that Queensland buildings are safe whether you live in them, work in them, or play in them.
The government is working on recommendations for stronger laws to prevent any more combustible facades to be installed in new buildings and for the State Government to establish a database to keep track of buildings that need further attention.