The Gabba Stadium to Get a Boost from Upcoming Cross River Rail Project

Photo credit: The Gabba/Facebook

The Gabba stadium is set to benefit from the upcoming Cross River Rail Project which will redevelop the Woolloongabba precinct.

In 2018, the Department of Housing and Public Works established the Stadium Taskforce to review the pricing and practices of Stadiums Queensland.

Stadiums Queensland currently manages, operates, and promotes the use of nine major Queensland facilities. This includes the Gabba and Cbus Super Stadium on the Gold Coast.

When it comes to the Gabba stadium, Stadium Taskforce’s final report says, “The introduction of a Cross River Rail station immediately adjacent to the Gabba will provide an unmatched opportunity to significantly improve accessibility and connectivity for the Gabba venue and precinct.”

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Stadium Taskforce’s Recommendations for the Gabba

Photo credit: The Gabba/Facebook

Moreover, Minister for Sports Mick de Brenni has already asked Stadiums Queensland to consider strategies recommended by the Taskforce. This is to improve the fan experience at major stadiums and venues.

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Stadium Taskforce’s recommendations for the Gabba include the following:

  • The government put out to tender the management rights for the Gabba if it is cost effective to do so, to be undertaken on the basis of no frontline job losses.
  • The naming rights for the stadium be put out to tender, subject to retaining Gabba in the stadium name.
  • Fast track the consolidation of ownership of assets adjacent to the stadium to provide a once off opportunity to develop a seamless major entry and activation point for the Gabba.
  • That land declared under the MSF Act may be used for commercial outcomes by SQ or leaseholders, where a compatible social or community benefit can be demonstrated.
  • Enhancements to the Gabba be made in conjunction with stadium access improvements delivered through the Cross River Rail project and any potential 2032 Olympic bid.
  • DTMR to upgrade all Traffic Management Plans to ensure consistency with the principles-based Traffic Management Plan framework.

Furthermore, Mr de Brenni said that the Taskforce report is one of the steps in the precinct redevelopment of Woolloongabba. It will be in conjunction with Cross River Rail and Queensland’s first ever build-to-rent scheme development.

“Cross River Rail will deliver new and exciting opportunities for the Gabba and will unlock the potential to reinvent the stadium to improve fan experience and keep its place as an internationally renowned venue.”

“The Stadium Taskforce Report backs this in and the government is already working on the recommendations relating to naming rights and management rights,” Mr de Brenni said.