Withdrawn: Developer Abandons Proposal for 54-Unit Development on Nicholson Street in Greenslopes

development application Greenslopes
Photo credit: pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au

The proposal to build a 54-unit residential development at 82-86 Nicholson Street in Greenslopes has been withdrawn by the developer.

This decision is a welcome development for the neighbouring residents who strongly opposed the development application.

Site of the withdrawn Development Application (Photo credit: pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au)

SYMX Land Development lodged the application for the residential project in November 2017. The proposal was to construct three four-storey residential buildings on a sloping piece of land. However, the site also includes an area of bushland leading to Norman Creek, and this became a major issue raised by Brisbane City Council and the local residents.

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In its initial review of the proposal, the council pointed out that the site has been identified as containing significant biodiversity under the proposed City Plan Amendments to the Biodiversity Overlay mapping. As such, the council stated that the proposed type of vegetation removal was not supported.

The development application plans are also seen as non-compliant with biodiversity areas overlay code. The council asked the applicant to amend the layout in such a way that it will retain a substantial area of vegetation.

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The council also noted that the building height is not consistent with the existing streetscape. The review requested changes to maintain the predominant two-storey residential building height along Nicholson Street.

Neighbours were also not happy about the DA. Their main concerns included the loss of vegetation. One particular submission stressed that they bought their property on the premise that the council assured that the land behind their lot was protected. The council also assured the resident that they have no intentions of permitting development there.